Monday, November 21, 2011

Lights out for Hi Wall !!!

Last week Mathew finished the final chapter and closed the book on a buck named
Hi Wall!  

He is a buck that we had history with over the past three years.  In the spring of 2009 Gary found Hi Wall's shed and we figured that he had some potential but didn't get to excited. He had great mass but fairly short tines and we figured he was a 3 1/2 years old. We looked forward to seeing what he would turn in to in 2010.  It is hard to believe but with all of the cameras we have on the farm we did not get a single trail camera photo of him that summer or fall.  Matt and Brendan saw him once in the rut of 2010 and got some footage of him.  After reviewing the footage it looked like he had grown and were excited to see if we could find his sheds that spring.  Gary found his second shed in the spring of 2011 and the peices of the puzzle were starting to develop.  We were really excited to see that he made it through the season and were anxious to see him in the 2011 hunting season.  In July of 2011 we finally captured him on trail camera and he grew and put on width and mass and really had the WOW factor!  We were pumped to say the least.  We knew he was 5 1/2 years old and figured he would be close to 160" by the time he finished growing.  Mathew and Mike were on his trail and took the surviellance information that was gathered and developed a plan to put him on the ground.  They figured that he was living in a small area and they would stay persistent and keep hunting the outskirts of his core area and not put to much pressure on him.  They were determined and figured that they would hunt him at least twice a week from the Sept 15th opener until the end of season or however long it took to cross his path.  
It did not take long ....  On the morning of November 12th Mathew connected and made a perfect 30 yard shot on Hi Wall!  He even self filmed the hunt and captured it all on video....  Unfortunately Mike was not with him that day as he got sick.  It was almost the first hunt that he missed with Matt all season.  
Hi Wall is quite an impressive creature and looked tremendous on the hoof!  He has a great frame and with great mass and palmation throughout his main beams!

Now it is on to the next chapter and time to CHASE another mature whitetail!  The CHASE never gets old and there is nothing more challenging then targeting a particular buck that has survived several hunting seasons. 

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